Thursday, February 20, 2020

Week 7 Group Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Week 7 Group - Assignment Example The first, and most important, activity is to classify users into categories and define their duties and rights of access. ABC users can be subdivided into two main categories; ABC staff who include developers and the ABC administration, and the general public which incorporates developers from other companies and ABC clients. Whereas ABC employees have more access to company systems external users get restricted access to these resources. For instance, ABC developers need to have access to secured servers that will allow them to develop new software and be able to post them to less secured public servers from where other developers and software lovers can download software or its source code. A number of servers with different configurations must be employed so as to have a reliable system. An internal CVS server would be necessary to limit access to the company’s most crucial systems to its employees. Its location shall be in a remote location that cannot be easily accessed. It shall also have a live backup system that will be use to back it up in preparation for any failure. This will ensure that there is limited disruption in case the internal CVS server fails (Newman 2010). This server is configured in such a way that it is only accessible within the company network and from recognized and authenticated proxies. In order to make this possible, the system administrator creates a readers file in the servers root. The file defines the read and write permissions for all users and domains that can access it. It also authenticates the users and blocks any unauthorized access. The administrator can also ban some users from accessing the server even if they are company staff. The company will conduct its business using this server. It is necessary to make sure that the server cannot be configured remotely. This ensures

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Application of the Scientific Method Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Application of the Scientific Method - Assignment Example Which is the best detergent to use when cleaning dirty clothes? Many detergents exist all for the purpose of cleaning. Some have the best advertisements and are thus popular; others have the chemicals that clean clothes without much effort, while others have negative effects on the user’s skin when frequently used. Some detergents are also used not only because of the effectiveness in cleaning but because they have fair prices and are cheaply available to many. Liquid detergent cleans clothes faster and more thorough than powder detergent. To prove this hypothesis, both types of detergents have to be used on the same type of cloth containing an equal amount of dirt or stains and under the same environmental conditions in terms of temperature of water used and also the type of the water itself, whether soft or hard. Such conditions ensure that the detergents are tested on fairgrounds and that the results obtained can be reliable when it comes to making conclusions on the best detergent. Testing this hypothesis is important in making comprehensive conclusions. To test the hypothesis, a piece of clothing of a reasonable size, say one square meter, could be dirtied with mud, oil, food spills and colored fluids. These should be evenly distributed on the piece of clothing to ensure that every part gets an equal share of dirt. The clothing could then be cut into two pieces, each of equal size. Water from the same source should be put in two different buckets. The powder detergent could be dissolved in one bucket and the liquid detergent in the other. The two dirty pieces of cloth should be soaked into the two buckets for the same amount of time. The amount of dirt removed from the pieces of cloth by soaking should be compared. The pieces of cloth could then be hand washed in the detergent and the amount of time and effort taken to clean each noted.