Thursday, December 26, 2019

Essay about Aaron Burr One of the Most Notorious Traitors...

Often times if a child is abused or neglected, it will affect their rationality in their adult life. As a result this can lead to a life of crimes and bad decision making. This is proven by the life of Aaron Burr junior. Aaron Burr is known in history as one of the most notorious traitors in history (PBS). What if it was not Burr’s fault? What if Aaron Burr’s mind was unable to comprehend right from wrong because of his unhealthy childhood? All pieces in the timeline leading up to the infamous duel between Hamilton and Burr, are plausible contributors in the murder of Alexander Hamilton, and the attempt of treason. As an infant, Aaron Burr came close to death twice from severe fevers (Welling). At the age of two, Burr’s parents both†¦show more content†¦Washington resented it, and punished Burr for the rest of his life† (Aaron Burr Association). The 1791 US Senate race brought up a growing enemy for Burr, Alexander Hamilton. When Aaron Burr won the Senate seat from Federalist Philip Schuyler, who happened to be Hamilton’s father-in-law, Hamilton began resenting Aaron Burr for taking the seat. Hamilton started hating Burr for selfish reasons. Burr attempted writing a book on the Revolutionary War, but Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State denied him access of the library. In the presidential election of 1800, Burr tied with Thomas Jefferson who both received 73 electoral votes. Alexander Hamilton repeatedly tried convincing the House of Representatives to elect Jefferson over Burr, on account of Aaron Burr beating Hamilton’s father–in-law for a seat in the Senate (Senate). Hamilton’s scheme works and Burr is elected Vice President, and this is Aaron Burr’s stressor or breaking point. Thomas Jefferson once said, â€Å"I never, indeed thought him an honest, frank-dealing man, but considered him as a crooked gun, or other perverted machine, whose aim or stroke you could never be sure of†(Senate). When Burr was Jefferson’s Vice President he could tell that Aaron Burr’s mind was not all there, and Thomas Jefferson knew that Burr could go off at anytime yet no one knew when. Following the election, Burr grew increasingly angry at the anti-Burr groups forming. BurrShow MoreRelatedThe Consequences of the Burr and Hamiton Duel Essay example806 Words   |  4 PagesThe Burr and Hamilton duel is a major part in american history. It was a moment in history were two foes battled out their anger in each other. Though many historians wonder if Hamilton able to avoid this duel. Many people would agree that this is one thing that would not turn into a big deal if it was avoided. Today many history classes are debating â€Å"was the consequences of the the Burr vs. Hamilton duel inevitable?† Alexander was the leader of the federalists and secretary of state. Burr was aRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 Pagesnumerous articles in these areas, plus a text on project management. He has also conducted research with colleagues in the International Project Management Association. Cliff has been a member of the Project Management Institute since 1976 and was one of the founders of the Portland, Oregon, chapter. He was a visiting professor at Kasetsart University in Bangkok, Thailand in 2005. He was the president of Project Management International, Inc. (a training and consulting firm specializing in project

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Current Legislation for Homebased Child Carers, the...

The current legislation for homebased child carers. There are two acts that are the most important for homebased child carers. Which is the Children act (2004) and the Childcare act (2006). Childcare act (2004) For a childminder there are five aspects that are the most important: - Be healthy (physically, mentally and emotionally) - Safety (protect the children from harm and neglect) - Achieve good education and recreation - Make a positive contribution - Social and economic well-being Childcare act (2006) This act is for the EYFS in England and Wales. The local authority have the duty to make sure that the five outcomes of Childcare act (2004) are being met. Childminder have to register and will be†¦show more content†¦Human Rights Act (1998) This act is for the right of every person, which covers children as well. Code of Practice for First Aid (1997) This act is for the importance of first aid. As a childminder you need to do a paediatric first aid course. Food Safety regulations (1995) For childminders a basic Food Hygiene Certificate is recommended. Local authorities want childminders to register with their local Environmental Health Department. Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (1995) For childminders it is important to report certain incidents or accidents. Code of Practice for the Identification and Assessment of Children with Special Educational Needs For childminders to notice children with special needs. And fulfil their needs in a way suitable to their special needs. Children Act For a childminder it is very important to make look after the welfare of the child. This includes meeting his emotional, physical and educational needs. Public Health Act As a childminder you have to make sure that if you have a child with an infectious disease that you don’t let the child get in contact with other children. This sometimes means asking the parents to keep their child at home. Education Act As a childminder you have to make sure that you meet the educational needs ofShow MoreRelatedDiploma in Children’s and Young People’s Workforce Cypop 5 Understand How to Set Up a Work Based Child Care Servic2658 Words   |  11 PagesCYPOP 5.1. The current Legislation for home based childcare and the Role of Regulatory Bodies Registration By law all providers of home based childcare in England that care for children under the age of eight, must be registered with the regulatory body Ofsted. Ofsted keeps two childcare registers; the Early Years register (for children from birth to Preschool age five) and the Childcare register (for school ages five to eight years). To register a number of legal criteria must be in place;

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Definition of Conflict free essay sample

Conflict a state of discord caused by the actual or perceived opposition of needs, values and interests. It can be internal (within oneself) or external (between two or more individuals) such as, social disagreement, conflicts of interests, and fights between individuals, groups, or organizations. Competitive situations will, by their nature, cause conflict. Cooperative situations can also be the source of conflict. Two or more individuals or parties may have consistent goals, but the manner in which one party tries to reach their goal can still undermine the other individual or party. â€Å"Political conflict refers to wars, revolutions or other struggles, which may be armed. Sources/Causes of Conflict. Some of the primary causes are: 1. Poor Communication: different communication styles can lead to misunderstandings between employees or between employee and manager. Lack of communication drives conflict ‘underground’. . Different Values: any workplace is made up of individuals who see the world differently. Conflict occurs when there is a lack of acceptance and understanding of these differences. We will write a custom essay sample on The Definition of Conflict or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 3. Differing Interests: conflict occurs when individual workers ‘fight’ for their personal goals, ignoring organizational goals and organizational well-being. 4. Scarce Resources: too often, employees feel they have to compete for available resources in order to do their job. In a resource scarce environment, this causes conflicts – despite awareness of how scarce resources may be. 5. Personality Clashes: all work environments are made up of differing personalities. Unless colleagues understand and accept each other’s approach to work and problem-solving, conflict will occur. 6. Poor Performance: when one or more individuals within a work unit are not performing not working up to potential – and this is not addressed, conflict is inevitable.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Palms Feedback Loops and Organizational Learning Opportunities

Table of Contents Introduction Palm Incorporated First feedback loop Second feedback loop Theory of organizational learning Learning opportunities Works cited Introduction An organization has numerous constituent parts, which are finance, marketing and personnel departments. The above functional departments interact in the course of daily operations of the organization. An organization is a subsystem of a larger system within the community.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Palm’s Feedback Loops and Organizational Learning Opportunities specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More System methodology assists in analysing the effects of interactions between organization and the surrounding, how the various feedbacks generated affect competence and effectiveness of the entity. System methodology is a discipline entailing viewing of objects holistically and as a communication of its integrated constituent. Feed back is information generated from previous occurrences, later synthesised thus influencing future happening of a similar event. Such is representative of many organizations as many events form a vicious cycle where the output of an event becomes the input of the same event (Diederen 38). In an entity, there exist varied feedback results from events like auditing. The feedback acts as a control tool and any logical organization looks at means of implementing the feedback to boost its performances. Feedback may be positive or adverse and its implementation endeavours improving management while making decisions. Palm Incorporated Integrated in the California state in 1992, Palm Incorporated specialised in manufacturing of electronic gadgets like smart phones. It is responsible for other products lik operating system facilitating development of the smart phones. Over years, this entity has majorly played in the software products thus aiding create leading computer appliances. In the pa st decade, the organization has sold some of its shares to entities that are its strategic partners. In 2010, the entity became a Hewlett Packard’s subsidiary. The change in ownership allowed injection of more capital and facts, therefore, changing its fortune. Before the entry of the strategic partners, the entity was facing a downturn, because of its inability to compete effectively with its rivals who had made considerable progress in developing cellular devices that acted as mini computers. Palm had failed to develop products that were at par with other competitors and gradually lost customers (Edward).Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More First feedback loop Environment, organization’s narration and resource are inputs to the organization. The environment is the industry in which the entity operates and provides information as to the â€Å"taste and p references† of the market (Edward). The environment include rival of Palm Incorporated who also manufacture electronic gadgets and software products. To remain a feasible business, Palm Incorporated has to analyse the standards of its rivals. This is with the essence of ensuring that the entity is at par with the rest. Observation of market and rivals’ trend should help Palm Incorporated develop competitive products. Resources like workforce and raw materials are contributions into the organization assisting in the physical production of output. An organization will always want to uphold the product’s quality and standards therefore maintaining its market share. Palm Incorporated is a leading firm in this industry and must maintain the quality associated with firms of its standards. Government regulators and other environmental concerns of the institute are part of the environment (Edward). The regulator specifies standards that the Palm Incorporated and other fi rms have to meet to freely, operate in the markets. The production department at the reference firm ensures that the output has surpassed the regulatory standards. The above loop paints a brilliant depiction of how feedback information influences the organization’s operation. In an organization selling products to the market, various factors named above generates feedback. The environment, including the competitors, institute measures trying to counter the products marketed by palm incorporated. Regulatory bodies perform tests on the product and ascertain whether it meets the quality needs. The production department generates a report related to the usage of the allocated resources. The above swapping of information forms a loop that shapes how Palm Incorporated conducts its business. A variety of the information serves as input since it determines the expected output. Second feedback loop Since Palm Incorporated is a large corporation, it ought to publicise the financial res ults as per the statutory requirements. Given the technological advancement information travels at elevated speed (Argyris 2). A positive financial result affects Palm’s shares positively resulting in increased value. Moreover, a positive result creates goodwill, as it indicates that the company is doing well.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Palm’s Feedback Loops and Organizational Learning Opportunities specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Furthermore, good results generate the above feedback, which is output from the organization. Generally, such information results in increase in the clientele level. Additionally, poor financial results are an indication that the entity is not effectively performing. However, such results are detrimental to the Palm Incorporated since they result in smaller value of its shares. Most stakeholders in the financial sector interpret this as failure of the manag ement to implement appropriate strategies that thus spurring its success. Furthermore, it would indicate an inadequate staffing resulting to underperformance. The effect is loss of clientele, therefore, worsening the Palm Incorporated situation. Such output generates feedback to the organization. In addition, positive results connote that Palm is a financially sound organization and the management should further implement their policies to boost the organization’s performance. Negative results indicate the reverse, which is reversible through radical steps. In such instances, most corporations call for â€Å"extraordinary general meeting† to discuss the path necessary for the organization to take (Argyris 4). Measures that most organizations institute, embrace ultimatums to management, firing of directors and seeking further investments. Financial results, bestow an indication of the profitability of an entity resulting from its activities, it therefore becomes paramou nt to analyse the feedback that result from publicising such results. The above debate reveals a convoluted pattern of feedback generated by various actions resulting in a feedback loops. In this loop, publicising an entity’s results generates output into the system, followed by input, which is a variety of measures depending on temperament of financial results (Argyris 5). Loops play a pivotal part in ensuring effectiveness in organizations as they form complex associations between various factors involved in running of an entity thus proofing the importance the feedback generated. Theory of organizational learning The basis of this theory is the ability of an organization to learn from its errors. It emphasizes the aptitude to distinguish and correct mistakes. However, an error implies disparity between what transpired and the anticipated budget. However, organizational learning is a dynamic speculation allied to behaviourist studies thatAdvertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More . gives insight in any erudition practice in an organization (Argyris 6). It admits that execution of feedback is difficult task especially when it is depressing. Precisely, the theory digs into the internal factors of an organization that deter not only employees but also the organization, from correcting errors. This theory has highlighted corporate philosophies, policies and structures as deterrents to organizational learning. The theory brings in, a behaviourist characteristic of organizational learning by asserting that workers and managers have a central position to participate in this process. Majorly, workers are normally afraid of embracing their errors. Regarding this theory, learning depends on the organizational flexibility, malleability and readiness to rethink current business exercises (Argyris 2). For efficacy in learning, the management and employees ought to aspire for change. Due to uniqueness of diverse corporations, strategies developed to foster organization ar e rather different. However, individual’s learning is division of organizational learning thus a platform for accomplishing the overall learning in the entity. Learning opportunities From the late 1990s to 2005 Palm Incorporated was on a down turn because of its inability to compete effectively.Given the nature of smart phone clientele, this entity was on a path towards failure, as its product did not match those of its rivals (Edward). Its strategic plan was very effective as it brought on board new shareholders who did not only bring in additional capital but too complimented the operation of Palm Incorporated (Edward). The calculated plan was a response to failure of Palm’s clientele to purchase products. The feedback synthesised by Palm’s management, indicated that they had to make cellular devices that could rival those of other entities. Plunging sales resulted in actions that rejuvenated Palm becoming a leading organization in smart phones. However, chang es in shareholding enabled Palm to invest in research for purposes of developing advanced cellular gadgets. Additionally, plunging in the sales volume was the first indication for existence of problems (Edward). The management had to correct the dipping trends in sales, therefore, taking the necessary appropriate measures. Merger with Hewlett Packard was a shrewd move, as the premeditated partners input more knowledge into Palm. Poor financial results result lowers the value of an entity’s shares culminating in loss in investment (Edward). The management need to swiftly in changing the financial fortunes of the entity. Poor results indicate that policies governing the organization need re strategizing. This is possible through meetings that involve the directors with the responsibility of providing guidance on an entity’s policies Works cited Argyris, Chris. On organizational learning. Massachusetts, MA: Blackwell publishing,  2004. Print. Diederen, Andrà ©. Global Resource Depletion. Netherlands: Eburon academic  Publisher, 2010. Print. Edward, Cliff. HP Gets Its Hands on Palm. 2010. Web. This research paper on Palm’s Feedback Loops and Organizational Learning Opportunities was written and submitted by user Happy Hogan to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. 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